Suncredible Yellow Sunflower

Suncredible Yellow Sunflower

Suncredible Yellow Sunflower

Features This everblooming sunflower is built on a well branched bush-like habit that is perfect for the back of the bed, as an annual screen or along a fence. The blooms are about 4” across and do not need to be deadheaded to continue blooming,  but can be groomed for tidiness, and also makes a great cutflower. This plant blooms several weeks longer than similar sunflowers due to its semi indeterminate to determinate habit. Great for pollinators and will pump blooms all season and well into the fall for a great seasonal pop of color.    Award Winner Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer Disease Resistant Long Blooming Fall Interest Heat Tolerant Deadheading Not Necessary Drought Tolerant Attracts:  Bees Butterflies Resists:  Deer Native to North America

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