Tim Burton Style Self-Portrait Unit

Tim Burton Style Self-Portrait Unit

Tim Burton Style Self-Portrait Unit

*PRODUCT UPDATE: FREE COLORING PAGE ADDED, DIGITALLY REMASTERED REFERENCE SHEETS, AND BURTON-ESQUE FRAME DESIGNS!!! I have been DYING to do a Tim Burton inspired project with my kids for a couple of years, but I was unsure of what I wanted to do. This year, I decided that it would be fun to have my 2nd graders create self portraits in the style of Tim Burton! This is one of my all-time favorite projects I have done with my kids EVER, and they are enthused about it because it is inspired by someone they know who creates movies they love. I did this with my 2nd graders, but this can be created with several age ranges with some tweaks or additions. I have uploaded ALL of the resources I created myself to help my kids make their portraits the best they could be. I also created lessons inspired by the book “Drawing with Children” in the form of duplication exercises to get my kiddos practicing drawing several features before we started our final project.

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